Yaci CLI Commands

Common Commands

Yaci CLI commands are used to create and interact with the local devnet.


To create a devnet node.

  • Usage:
 create-node [options]
  • Example: Create a new node with the default options. 1 sec block time and overwrite the existing node if it exists.
 create-node -o --start
  • Options:
    • --overwrite or -o boolean : Overwrite the existing node if it exists.
    • --start : Start the node after creation.
    • --block-time or -b double : Set the block time in seconds. Default is 1 sec.
    • --slot-length or -s double : Slot Length in sec. Default is 1 sec.
    • --epoch-length or -e int : Epoch Length in slots. Default is 500.
    • --era String : Era (babbage, conway). Default is babbage.

Note: There are many other node specific configuration that can be set through env file. Please refer to the Node Configuration for more details.


Reset local devnet. Delete data and logs folder and restart.

  • Usage:

If the devnet gets stuck or you simply want to reset the data and restart with the same configuration, simply use the command "reset". It will restore your devnet to its initial state, allowing you to continue your development seamlessly.


Stop the local devnet.

  • Usage:

Note: You can stop the devnet using command "stop". This will stop the devnet and you can start it again using the "start" command. The devnet will start from the last block it was stopped at. Based on the securityParam configuration in devnet node, the node may get stuck if it is stopped for a long time. Please refer to the Node Configuration to know how to provide a custom value for securityParam.


To switch to devnet mode for an existing devnet node when Yaci CLI is not in devnet mode.

  • Usage:
yaci-cli:> cluster


To stop the node and other running services and exit from devnet node.

  • Usage:

Similarly, you can use the exit command in non-devnet mode to exit from the Yaci CLI.


To top up the address with the given ada amount.

  • Usage:
topup [--address String] [--value double]
  • Example: To fund address with 45k ada.
topup addr_test1qrzufj3g0ua489yt235wtc3mrjrlucww2tqdnt7kt5rs09grsag6vxw5v053atks5a6whke03cf2qx3h3g2nhsmzwv3sgml3ed 45000


To show the default addresses.

  • Usage:

By default, the devnet is created with 20 default addresses at different derivation path from a test 24 words mnemonic and each address is funded with 10k ada. This is useful if you want to write your tests or tools using DevKit and you need some addresses to work with. So, you know that these addresses are always available in the devnet.

24 words mnemonic for the default addresses is:

test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test sauce


To show the faucet addresses.

  • Usage:

The faucet addresses are the addresses that are used to fund the default addresses in the devnet and also used to top up the addresses using the topup command.


To show the UTXOs of the given address.

  • Usage:
utxos [address] [--pretty-print-inline-datum]


utxos addr_test1qrzufj3g0ua489yt235wtc3mrjrlucww2tqdnt7kt5rs09grsag6vxw5v053atks5a6whke03cf2qx3h3g2nhsmzwv3sgml3ed
utxos addr_test1qrzufj3g0ua489yt235wtc3mrjrlucww2tqdnt7kt5rs09grsag6vxw5v053atks5a6whke03cf2qx3h3g2nhsmzwv3sgml3ed --pretty-print-inline-datum


To show the tip of the node.

  • Usage:


To show the info of the node.

  • Usage:

Log Commands


To show the logs of the node.

  • Usage:


To show the logs of the yaci-store (if enabled).

  • Usage:


To show the logs of the ogmios (if enabled).

  • Usage:


To show the logs of the kupo (if enabled).

  • Usage: