
Building transactions with Mesh SDK and submit to Yaci Devnet's Cardano Node

This example demonstrates how to build a transaction with the Mesh SDK and submit it to the Yaci Devnet's Cardano Node. The Mesh SDK (opens in a new tab) is a JavaScript library that provides a set of tools to interact with the Cardano blockchain.

Yaci Provider to query and submit with Yaci instance

Providers are services provided to help you interact with the blockchain. In this case, we are using the Yaci provider to interact with the Yaci instance. It is used to query and submit transactions to the Yaci instance.

First, we import YaciProvider from @meshsdk/core [source] (opens in a new tab):

import { YaciProvider } from "@meshsdk/core";
export function getYaciProvider() {
  return new YaciProvider("http://localhost:8080/api/v1");

A wallet for signing transactions

Next, a wallet is used to sign transactions. We import MeshWallet from @meshsdk/core and create a wallet with YaciProvider [source] (opens in a new tab):

import { MeshWallet } from "@meshsdk/core";
import { getYaciProvider } from "./get-yaci-provider";
export function getWalletForYaci() {
  const blockchainProvider = getYaciProvider();
  return new MeshWallet({
    networkId: 0,
    fetcher: blockchainProvider,
    submitter: blockchainProvider,
    key: {
      type: "mnemonic",
      words: [

Create a transaction to send lovelace

Finally, we create a transaction to send lovelace to a recipient [source] (opens in a new tab):

import { Transaction, UTxO } from "@meshsdk/core";
import { getWalletForYaci } from "./common/get-wallet-yaci";
import { getYaciProvider } from "./common/get-yaci-provider";
const wallet = getWalletForYaci();
const recipient =
const tx = new Transaction({ initiator: wallet }).sendLovelace(
const unsignedTx = await tx.build();
const signedTx = await wallet.signTx(unsignedTx);
const txHash = await wallet.submitTx(signedTx);
console.log("txHash", txHash);