Node Configuration

Node Configuration

Apart from a few options like block time, epoch length, and slot length which are provided through Yaci CLI, other devnet node-related configurations can be configured through the env file. The configurations defined in the env file will be used during devnet node creation.

For zip based installation, the env file is located under installation directory config/env.

For curl based installation, the env file is located under $HOME/.yaci-devkit/config/env.

Currently, the following configuration can be done through env file:


To set the security parameter for the node. Default value is 300. (300 blocks)

To change the configuration, add to the env file

node.securityParam=<int value>

Note: If you want to stop your node for some time and restart it later without a reset, allowing it to continue from where it left off and use existing data, you may want to set node.securityParam to a higher value. Otherwise, the node may get stuck and you need to reset the node.

Let's say you want to stop your node and start the node again next day to continue from where it left off, then you can set node.securityParam to a higher values like 86400 for 1 sec block time.


To enable or disable peer sharing. Default value is true.


To set the number of slots per KES period. Default value is 129600.


To set the maximum KES evolutions. Default value is 60.

Note: More configurations will be added in the future.