NPM Distribution

Yaci DevKit NPM Distribution (0.10.0-preview5 and later)

For users who prefer npm, you can install Yaci DevKit using the npm install command. When installing from npm, you need to install both the yaci-devkit and yaci-viewer packages separately.

Supported Platforms

Like the non-Docker ZIP distribution, the npm distribution is currently supported on the following platforms:

  1. Linux x86: Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04
  2. macOS 14 (Arm64) or later


Yaci DevKit Installation

npm i -g @bloxbean/yaci-devkit

Yaci Viewer Installation

npm install -g @bloxbean/yaci-viewer

The following commands are used for the NPM distribution instead of the standard devkit or yaci-cli commands:

  • yaci-devkit: Starts the Yaci CLI and other components.
  • yaci-viewer: Starts the Yaci Viewer.

Yaci DevKit - Commands

There is a new command, up, which handles both the download process and devnet creation.


  1. Download and Start Cardano Node

    yaci-devkit up
    • Downloads the Cardano node (if not already downloaded) and starts a new devnet.
    • You can pass other node-creation-specific arguments (same as the create-node command), such as --block-time or --port.
  2. Interactive Mode

    If you want to interact with the running processes using yaci-cli, pass the --interactive option to the up command.

    yaci-devkit up --interactive
    • Downloads the node (if not already downloaded), starts a new devnet, and launches the yaci-cli prompt.
  3. Yaci Store Mode (Blockfrost-Compatible API Endpoints)

    yaci-devkit up --enable-yaci-store
    • Downloads and starts the Cardano node, Yaci Store, and Ogmios (used for script cost evaluation).
    • Add --interactive to enter the yaci-cli prompt.
  4. Kupomios Mode (Ogmios + Kupo)

    yaci-devkit up --enable-kupomios
    • Downloads and starts the Cardano node, Ogmios, and Kupo.

For a full list of Yaci CLI commands, check the Yaci DevKit documentation.

Yaci Viewer Commands

Once the Yaci DevKit DevNet with yaci-store support is running, you can run Yaci Viewer using yaci-viewer command.


By default, Yaci Viewer connects to a Yaci-Store backend running on localhost at port 8080.

Configuration Options

If you need to connect to a Yaci-Store backend running on a different host or port, you can configure Yaci Viewer in one of the following ways:

Option 1: Using a .env File

Create a .env file in the same directory where you are starting Yaci Viewer, and specify the following environment variables:

  • PUBLIC_INDEXER_BASE_URL: The base URL for the indexer API. Default: http://localhost:8080/api/v1.
  • PUBLIC_INDEXER_WS_URL: The WebSocket URL for live updates. Default: ws://localhost:8080/ws/liveblocks.

Option 2: Using Command-Line Arguments

You can also specify the indexer base URL and WebSocket URL directly via command-line arguments:

yaci-viewer --indexerBaseUrl --indexerWsUrl ws://


  • Ensure that the YaciDevKit or Yaci-Store backend is running and accessible before starting Yaci Viewer.